Dinasour 13

 Dinosaur 13

The paleontologists who found the T-Rex agreed with another male to get $5000 and to put Sue into the museum. So why did the FBI come and take Sue away? This scene upset me and made me angry because the paleontologists have worked extremely hard to find Sue. They took 17 days to unbury the fossils. They had to carry over the extremely heavy fossils to the museum. So why did they take it away when there was an agreement. 

Overall, I am surprised and interested in the idea of finding Sue. It's weird to think that the dinosaurs were actually real and it wasn't just a myth. It's crazy how Susan came across the T-Rex in that spot out of all the places in the world. What are the chances? 

How did she come across it? What made her feel that she should have stayed behind and not gone with everyone else to fix the flat tire? 

We avoid using research because it could be incorrect or it won't support our claim. We should just use the information in the documentary because they may have used different sources or research than the ones we found. The documentary may also be more accurate than the research found since the documentary is a credible source. 

Dinosaur 13 and the Ghost of Tyrannosaurus Sue


  1. I love this simple statement that gets after so much complexity: " It's weird to think that the dinosaurs were actually real and it wasn't just a myth."!! I agree

    How about a video? An image?


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